Principal Credit Solutions

Find Errors Made On Your Credit Report!

Our 3 Bureau report and score combined with our AI system helps you take full control of your credit future.

Easily Do It Yourself.

This is credit AI. Welcome to the future!

Finding errors is easier than ever!

Finding errors used to be a long and complicated process. Not any more. 

Principal Credit Solutions’s DIY software is an expert so you don’t have to be.

Find Errors on any account on all three bureaus!

Late Payments








No need to create an account with each credit bureau. Principal Credit Solutions brings all three credit bureaus to you.


Smart Connection

Principal Credit Solutions automatically imports and scans your 3 bureau credit report in order to find all negative accounts.

Brilliant AI

Over 80% of the reports scanned have errors and unfair accounts that can lower your financial report card. 

Principal Credit Solutions’s brilliant AI can find these accounts and provide you with control.

Unlimited Reviews

Review as many accounts as you want on all 3 bureaus. You can dispute 1 account or 100 accounts, 


Professional Letters

Letters are much more effective at getting accounts permanently deleted than online disputes. Principal Credit Solutions’s letter generator will help you create effective disputes based on consumer protection laws.

Track Your Results

Each month Principal Credit Solutions imports your updated 3 bureau credit report and your new credit scores as well as which accounts were deleted. If an account wasn’t deleted, Principal Credit Solutions will suggest a new strategy for additional disputes.

Try it for $1.99!

Our DIY software is so easy, tens of thousands of people have used it to help them gain control of their credit journey!